This is what i did in my website: Admin->Customers->Attributes->Manage Customer Address Attributes and add a new attribute , the user can see it in his/her profile, under My Addresses option, the new attribute can be edited and is saved when creating a new address, i also can see it in the backend, and edited, until here everything is ok, my problem is in the checkout, i already have the field in the billing and shipping forms and i want the new attribute to be saved when the user click "Place Order" button, but, checkout seems it doesn't know nothing about the new attribute, the attribute is not saved and if i save one value from the user profile checkout doesn't load it in the field.
what can i do here??
在查看 Magento 的代码并阅读 wiki 后,我能够完成它,我的新属性保存在配置文件中的地址编辑表单中,但是当我在结帐表单中输入它时没有保存,那是因为我需要覆盖一些 Magento 核心文件,第一步是将新属性添加到 appcodecoreMageCustomeretcconfig.xml
,我复制到 appcodecoreMycompanyCustomeretcconfig.xml
,因为我的新属性代码是 rfc,我找到了
After looking in the Magento's code and reading the wiki, I was able to complete it, my new attribute was saved in the address edit form in the profile, but was not saved when I enter it in the checkout form, that was because I need to override some Magento core files, the first step was adding the new attribute to appcodecoreMageCustomeretcconfig.xml
, I copied to appcodecoreMycompanyCustomeretcconfig.xml
, as my new attribute code is rfc, I located the <fieldsets>
entry and
现在我需要将新属性添加到 appcodecoreMageCustomerModelEntitySetup.php
我做了同样的覆盖,复制到我的本地命名空间,并在函数 getDefaultEntities()
now I need to add the new attribute to the appcodecoreMageCustomerModelEntitySetup.php
i did the same to override, copied to my local namespace, and in the function getDefaultEntities()
i locate the
'rfc' => array(
'label' => 'RFC',
'required' => false,
'sort_order' => 135,
现在,我也需要在 appcodecoreMageSalesetcconfig.xml
now, I need to do also the same in appcodecoreMageSalesetcconfig.xml
, but now should look like this