如何在 CMS 页面 Magento 中调用 PHTML 文件

2021-12-19 00:00:00 php magento

我需要在我的 cms 页面中调用一个 phtml 文件,但它不起作用.

I need to call a phtml file within my cms page and it will not work.


this is the code in the cms page

{{block type="core/template" template="catalog/product/form-top.phtml"}}

fom-top.phtml 基本上是打开一个表单,但这并不重要.此代码不会显示超出标题的任何内容.

fom-top.phtml basically opens a form but that does not matter. this code cause nothing past the header to be displayed.

关于如何在 CMS 页面中调用 phtml 文件的任何想法?

any ideas on how to call a phtml file within a CMS page?


查看网页源代码并滚动到底部以查看 php 错误.

View the source of your webpage and scroll to the bottom to see a php error.

form-top.phtml 被调用,但里面有一个 php 错误,它失败了.错误可能发生在一个不可见的 div 中,这就是为什么您看不到它的正常方式.

form-top.phtml gets called but there is a php error inside which fails. The error might happen in an invisible div that's why you don't see it the normal way.
