当产品页面 Magento 上的数量改变时自动更新价格
I am looking to have the product price automatically updated based on the quantity the customer has chosen.
目前,当您在 magento 中选择自定义选项时,价格会自动更新,但在选择数量时不会.
Currently when you choose a custom option in magento the price automatically updates but when choosing quantity this does not.
因此,假设产品价格为 10 英镑.用户输入 3 个数量,然后在产品页面上自动将价格更新为 30 英镑,依此类推.
So the scenario would be the product price is £10. User enters 3 quantity and automatically on the product page it updates the price to £30 and so on.
Does anybody know of a simple way of updating this?
在 templatecatalogproductview.phtml
$('qty').observe('blur', function(e){
$('qty').value = Math.max($F('qty').replace(/[^d].*/, ''), 1);
optionsPrice.productPrice = Math.max(optionsPrice.productOldPrice, $F('qty') * optionsPrice.productOldPrice);