哪些工具和扩展对 Magento 开发至关重要?

2021-12-19 00:00:00 php magento tooling

我们正在这里建立一个不错的 Magento 专家小社区.我很好奇每个人都使用什么 Magento 扩展和其他软件工具(IDE、编辑器等)来帮助他们的开发项目?

We're building a nice little community of Magento experts here. I'm curious what Magento extensions and other software tools (IDEs, editors, etc.) everyone is using to help with their development projects?


Both free and commercial tools are more than welcome.



  • PHP IDE(Zend Studio、NetBeans 或 PhpStorm)
  • 个人开发机器上的 LAMP/WAMP
  • X-Debug 必备
  • MySQL 客户端 (HeidiSQL)
  • Firefox + FireBug 作为主浏览器;Safari 4/5、Chrome、Opera 10、IE 6/7/8/9
  • SSH 客户端 (PuTTY)
  • 通过 SSH 的 FTP 客户端和文件管理器 (WinSCP)
  • PHP、MySQL、Javascript 和原型手册
  • 错误跟踪系统 (Jira)
  • SVN 保持自己的修订并与 magentocommerce.com 上的未来 Magento 版本保持联系
  • KDiff3 用于 SVN 更好的源比较
  • 不时处理图像的图像查看器 (XnView)
  • 所有主机、mysqls 和其他密码的密码管理器 (PwSafe)
  • 问答、Magento 论坛和教程的互联网访问
  • PHP IDE (Zend Studio, NetBeans or PhpStorm)
  • LAMP/WAMP on personal development machine
  • X-Debug as a must
  • MySQL client (HeidiSQL)
  • Firefox + FireBug as main browser; Safari 4/5, Chrome, Opera 10, IE 6/7/8/9
  • SSH Client (PuTTY)
  • FTP Client and File manager over SSH (WinSCP)
  • Manuals for PHP, MySQL, Javascript and Prototype
  • Bug tracking system (Jira)
  • SVN to keep own revisions and be in touch with future Magento release from at magentocommerce.com
  • KDiff3 for SVN better sources comparison
  • Image Viewer (XnView) to work with images from time to time
  • Password keeper (PwSafe) for all hostings, mysqls and other passwords
  • Internet access for Q&A, Magento forums and tutorials

实际上不需要自定义扩展,X-Debug 和自己的经验有很大帮助.对于初学者来说,Commerce Bug 会有所帮助.

No custom extensions are really necessary, X-Debug and own experience help a lot. For beginners Commerce Bug will be helpful.
