Magento - customer_save_after 总是触发两次

2021-12-19 00:00:00 events observer-pattern php magento

我在 magento 中使用 customer_save_after 事件,除了 1 件烦人的事情之外,一切正常 - 它总是被触发两次.

I am using the customer_save_after event in magento, and all is working fine apart from 1 annoying thing - it is always fired twice.


There are no other modules rewriting this and I can find no other reason for this happening. When I look through all of the events getting fired at this time and this event is definately getting fired twice.


我正在编写一个与此挂钩的 Web 服务,但结果证明复制内容非常低效.

I am writing a web service that hooks into this and its turning out to be quite inefficient to duplicate things.



I've noticed this double-save behaviour too. The way to prevent issue with your observer is to set a flag in the request that can be checked e.g.

        return $this; //this method has already been executed once in this request (see comment below)

    ...execute arbitrary code here....

    /* Customer Addresses seem to call the before_save event twice, 
    * so we need to set a variable so we only process it once, otherwise we get duplicates
