向 Laravel 工厂模型添加关系

2021-12-18 00:00:00 factory relationship php laravel-5

我正在尝试添加与工厂模型的关系以进行一些数据库播种,如下所示 - 请注意,我正在尝试向每个用户添加 2 个帖子

I'm trying to add a relation to a factory model to do some database seeding as follows - note I'm trying to add 2 posts to each user

public function run()
   factory(AppUser::class, 50)->create()->each(function($u) {
         $u->posts()->save(factory(AppPost::class, 2)->make());


Argument 1 passed to IlluminateDatabaseEloquentRelationsHasOneOrMany::s  
ave() must be an instance of IlluminateDatabaseEloquentModel, instance 
of IlluminateDatabaseEloquentCollection given

我认为这与保存集合有关.如果通过分别调用帖子的每个工厂模型来重新编写代码,它似乎可以工作.显然这不是很优雅,因为如果我想保留 10 个或发布给每个用户,那么我必须声明 10 或行,除非我使用某种 for 循环.

I think its something to do with saving a collection. If re-write the code by calling each factory model for the post separately it seems to work. Obviously this isn't very elegant because if I want to persist 10 or post to each user then I'm having to decalare 10 or lines unless I use some kind of for loop.

public function run()
   factory(AppUser::class, 50)->create()->each(function($u) {

* 更新 *


Is there any way to nest the model factory a 3rd level deep?

public function run()
   factory(AppUser::class, 50)
       ->each(function($u) {
           $u->posts()->saveMany(factory(AppPost::class, 2)


从 Laravel 5.6 开始就有回调函数 afterCreating &afterMaking 允许您在创建/制作后直接添加关系:

Since Laravel 5.6 there is a callback functions afterCreating & afterMaking allowing you to add relations directly after creation/make:

$factory->afterCreating(AppUser::class, function ($user, $faker) {
    $user->saveMany(factory(AppPost::class, 10)->make());

$factory->afterMaking(AppPost::class, function ($post, $faker) {


factory(AppUser::class, 50)->create()

会给你 50 个用户,每个用户有 10 个帖子,每个帖子有一个评论.

will give you 50 users with each having 10 posts and each post has one comment.
