Laravel 在用户级别自定义 session.lifetime

2021-12-18 00:00:00 session php laravel-5 laravel-5.2

我正在其中一个中间件(用于 Laravel Web 应用程序)中覆盖 session.timeout 值,但它似乎不会影响会话超时.虽然如果我调试它会显示我已经覆盖的值.

I am overwriting session.timeout value in one of the middleware (for Laravel web app) but it doesn't seem to be affecting in terms of timing out a session. Though if I debug it shows value I have overwritten.

Config::set('session.lifetime', 1440);


'lifetime' => 15,


Website that I am working on has very short session lifetime for most of the users but for selected users I want to provide extended session lifetime.


似乎实现动态 lifetime 值的唯一方法是在会话启动之前在中间件中设置该值.否则为时已​​晚,因为应用程序 SessionHandler 已经使用默认配置值进行了实例化.

It seems the only way to accomplish a dynamic lifetime value, is by setting the value in middleware, before the session gets initiated. Otherwise its too late, as the application SessionHandler will have already been instantiated using the default config value.

namespace AppHttpMiddleware;

class ExtendSession
     * Handle an incoming request.
     * @param  IlluminateHttpRequest  $request
     * @param  Closure  $next
     * @return mixed
    public function handle($request, $next)
        $lifetime = 2;
        config(['session.lifetime' => $lifetime]);
        return $next($request);


Then in the kernel.php file, add this class prior to StartSession.

