我如何通过儿童POJO的属性来合成ManyToMany POJO?

2022-02-27 00:00:00 many-to-many sql android android-room java


public class Teacher implements Serializable {
    @PrimaryKey(autoGenerate = true)
    public int id;

    @ColumnInfo(name = "name")
    public String name;

public class Course implements Serializable {
    @PrimaryKey(autoGenerate = true)
    public short id;

    @ColumnInfo(name = "name")
    public String name;


@Entity(primaryKeys = {"teacher_id", "course_id"})
public class TeachersCourses implements Serializable {
    @ColumnInfo(name = "teacher_id")
    public int teacherId;

    @ColumnInfo(name = "course_id")
    public short courseId;

    @ColumnInfo(index = true, name = "course_order")
    public short courseOrder;


public class TeacherWithCourses implements Serializable {
    @Embedded public Teacher teacher;
            parentColumn = "id",
            entity = Course.class,
            entityColumn = "id",
            associateBy = @Junction(
                    value = TeachersCourses.class,
                    parentColumn = "teacher_id",
                    entityColumn = "course_id"
    public List<Courses> courses;


public abstract class TeacherWithCoursesDao {

    // XXX This one works as expected
    @Query("SELECT * FROM teacher " +
           "WHERE id=:teacher_id"
    public abstract LiveData<List<TeacherWithCourses>> getTeachersByTeacherId(int teacher_id);

    // XXX FIXME
    // This one succeeds at loading "parents", but each "parent"'s list of "children" is empty
    @Query("SELECT * FROM teacher " +
            "INNER JOIN teacherscourses AS tc ON teacher.id = tc.teacher_id " +
            "INNER JOIN course AS c ON c.id = tc.course_id " +
            "WHERE tc.course_id = :course_id " +
            "ORDER BY teacher.id ASC, tc.course_order ASC"
    public abstract LiveData<List<TeacherWithCourses>> getTeachersByCourseId(short course_id);


工作的那个会按预期返回列表:每个TeacherWithCourses都有老师和List课程。第二个并非如此:生成的TeacherWithCourses对象正确加载了Teacher属性,但是List<Courses>属性有一个空列表,尽管基于INNER JOINS的复杂SELECT查询按预期筛选。





  • id(教师),
  • 姓名(教师),
  • 教师id,
  • Course_id,
  • id(课程),
  • 名称(课程)



    for(Course c: dao.getAllCourses()) {
        for (TeacherWithCourses tbc: dao.getTeachersByCourseId(c.id)) {
            Log.d("TEACHER","Teacher is " + tbc.teacher.name + " Courses = " + tbc.courses.size());
            for(Course course: tbc.courses) {
                Log.d("COURSE","	Course is " + course.name);


2021-11-10 15:25:30.994 D/TEACHER: Teacher is Course1 Courses = 0
2021-11-10 15:25:30.996 D/TEACHER: Teacher is Course2 Courses = 0
2021-11-10 15:25:30.999 D/TEACHER: Teacher is Course3 Courses = 0
2021-11-10 15:25:30.999 D/TEACHER: Teacher is Course3 Courses = 0



public class AltCourse implements Serializable {
    @PrimaryKey(autoGenerate = true)
    public short courseid; //<<<<<<<<<<

    @ColumnInfo(name = "coursename") //<<<<<<<<<<
    public String coursename; //<<<<<<<<<< doesn't matter

  • 添加的数据基本上复制了原始课程(相同的ID#),因此:-


public class AltTeacherWithCourses implements Serializable {
    public Teacher teacher;
            parentColumn = "id",
            entity = AltCourse.class, //<<<<<<<<<< just to use alternative class
            entityColumn = "courseid", //<<<<<<<<<<
            associateBy = @Junction(
                    value = TeachersCourses.class,
                    parentColumn = "teacher_id",
                    entityColumn = "course_id"
    public List<AltCourse> courses; //<<<<<<<<<< just to use alternative class
  • 请注意,使用教师课程表只是说明链接了替代课程(而不是创建altTeacherCourses表)


@Query("SELECT * FROM teacher " +
        "INNER JOIN teacherscourses AS tc ON teacher.id = tc.teacher_id " +
        "INNER JOIN altcourse AS c ON c.courseid = tc.course_id " +
        "WHERE tc.course_id = :course_id " +
        "ORDER BY teacher.id ASC, tc.course_order ASC"
public abstract List<AltTeacherWithCourses> getAltTeachersByCourseId(short course_id);


    for(Course c: dao.getAllCourses()) {
        for (AltTeacherWithCourses tbc: dao.getAltTeachersByCourseId(c.id)) {
            Log.d("TEACHER","Teacher is " + tbc.teacher.name + " Courses = " + tbc.courses.size());
            for(AltCourse course: tbc.courses) {
                Log.d("COURSE","	Course is " + course.coursename);


2021-11-10 15:41:09.223 D/TEACHER: Teacher is Teacher1 Courses = 3
2021-11-10 15:41:09.223 D/COURSE:   Course is AltCourse1
2021-11-10 15:41:09.223 D/COURSE:   Course is AltCourse2
2021-11-10 15:41:09.223 D/COURSE:   Course is AltCourse3
2021-11-10 15:41:09.225 D/TEACHER: Teacher is Teacher1 Courses = 3
2021-11-10 15:41:09.225 D/COURSE:   Course is AltCourse1
2021-11-10 15:41:09.225 D/COURSE:   Course is AltCourse2
2021-11-10 15:41:09.225 D/COURSE:   Course is AltCourse3
2021-11-10 15:41:09.229 D/TEACHER: Teacher is Teacher1 Courses = 3
2021-11-10 15:41:09.229 D/COURSE:   Course is AltCourse1
2021-11-10 15:41:09.229 D/COURSE:   Course is AltCourse2
2021-11-10 15:41:09.229 D/COURSE:   Course is AltCourse3
2021-11-10 15:41:09.230 D/TEACHER: Teacher is Teacher2 Courses = 1
2021-11-10 15:41:09.230 D/COURSE:   Course is AltCourse3


  1. 使用唯一列名,或
  2. 使用@Prefix注释(@Embedded的参数),例如您可以使用


public class TeacherWithCourses implements Serializable {
    @Embedded(prefix = "prefix_teacher_") //<<<<<<<<<<
    public Teacher teacher;
            parentColumn = "prefix_teacher_id", //<<<<<<<<<<
            entity = Course.class,
            entityColumn = "id",
            associateBy = @Junction(
                    value = TeachersCourses.class,
                    parentColumn = "teacher_id",
                    entityColumn = "course_id"
    public List<Course> courses;


@Query("SELECT teacher.id AS prefix_teacher_id, teacher.name AS prefix_teacher_name, c.* FROM teacher " +
        "INNER JOIN teacherscourses AS tc ON teacher.id = tc.teacher_id " +
        "INNER JOIN course AS c ON c.id = tc.course_id " +
        "WHERE tc.course_id = :course_id " +
        "ORDER BY teacher.id ASC, tc.course_order ASC"
public abstract List<TeacherWithCourses> getTeachersByCourseId(short course_id);


@Query("SELECT id AS prefix_teacher_id, name as prefix_teacher_name FROM teacher " +
        "WHERE id=:teacher_id"
public abstract List<TeacherWithCourses> getTeachersByTeacherId(int teacher_id);


唯一的问题是";ORDER BY&QOOT;语句似乎不会影响此&QOOT;子列表&QOOT;的排序。但该子列表可能会出现新问题。



