
2022-01-30 00:00:00 numeric string java


How would you check if a String was a number before parsing it?


With Apache Commons Lang 3.5及以上:NumberUtils.isCreatableStringUtils.isNumeric.

With Apache Commons Lang 3.5 and above: NumberUtils.isCreatable or StringUtils.isNumeric.

使用 Apache Commons Lang 3.4 及以下版本:NumberUtils.isNumberStringUtils.isNumeric.

With Apache Commons Lang 3.4 and below: NumberUtils.isNumber or StringUtils.isNumeric.

您也可以使用 StringUtils.isNumericSpace 为空字符串返回 true 并忽略字符串中的内部空格.另一种方法是使用 NumberUtils.isParsable 基本上检查数字是否可根据 Java 解析.(链接的 javadocs 包含每种方法的详细示例.)

You can also use StringUtils.isNumericSpace which returns true for empty strings and ignores internal spaces in the string. Another way is to use NumberUtils.isParsable which basically checks the number is parsable according to Java. (The linked javadocs contain detailed examples for each method.)
