Java 编码标准/最佳实践 - 中断/继续标签的命名约定

2022-01-25 00:00:00 label convention java

有时,带标签的 break 或 continue 可以使代码更具可读性.

Sometimes a labeled break or continue can make code a lot more readable.

OUTERLOOP: for ( ;/*stuff*/; ) {
    //...lots of code

    if ( isEnough() ) break OUTERLOOP;
    //...more code


I was wondering what the common convention for the labels was. All caps? first cap?



If you have to use them use capitals, this draws attention to them and singles them out from being mistakenly interpreted as "Class" names. Drawing attention to them has the additional benefit of catching someone's eye that will come along and refactor your code and remove them. ;)
