我在哪里可以找到 Mac OS 的 jni 标头

2022-01-25 00:00:00 macos java java-native-interface


I'm not asking where I can find it on my own computer, I'm asking where I can get it.

我已经完成了我的谷歌作业,但我没有在这些路径中找到标题.我的/System/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/... 中甚至没有 Header 文件夹,而且我的根目录下也没有 Developer 文件夹.

I've done my google homework, and I didn't find the headers in those paths. There wasn't even a Header folder in my /System/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/... and stuff and I don't have a Developer folder under root.

现在我很确定我没有安装这些标头,我查看了 MacOS 开发者网站,但只发现了一些损坏的链接.

Now I'm pretty sure I don't have those headers installed, I checked the MacOS developer website but I only found some broken links.

OpenJDK 或 SunJDK 不应该在某处为 MacOS 提供 jni.h 标头吗?

Shouldn't OpenJDK or SunJDK provide the jni.h header for MacOS somewhere?



