让 Java 和 TWAIN 很好地协同工作

我正在构建一个应用程序以直接从 TWAIN 扫描仪扫描到 Java 小程序.我已经知道 Morena 和 JTwain,但它们要花钱.我需要免费的.我可以使用 JNI 重新发明轮子,但似乎有人可能已经将其作为 FOSS 工具完成了.

I'm working on building an app to scan directly from TWAIN scanner to a Java applet. I'm already aware of Morena and JTwain, but they cost money. I need free. I could re-invent the wheel with JNI, but it seems like someone has probably already done this as a FOSS tool.

有没有人熟悉可以让 Java 小程序直接从 TWAIN 扫描仪读取的免费工具?

Is anyone familiar with a free tool that can get a Java applet to read directly from a TWAIN scanner?


从 C/C++ 以外的任何地方调用 TWAIN API 将是一个很大的痛苦,它完全依赖于复杂的 C 结构,您必须在内存中精确复制.如果您只需要相当基本的扫描,您可以使用 GitHub 站点 之类的东西来调用我的旧免费 'EZTwain Classic' DLL (google for eztw32.dll)

Calling the TWAIN API from anything except C/C++ is going to be a major pain, it relies entirely on complicated C structures that you have to replicate exactly in memory. If you need only fairly basic scanning, you could use something like GitHub site to call my old free 'EZTwain Classic' DLL (google for eztw32.dll)
