JNI 的 Java 内存管理

2022-01-25 00:00:00 java heap-memory java-native-interface


  1. 如果我有一个对方法的 JNI 调用并且 JNI 方法泄漏了内存怎么办.一旦此方法完成,JVM 垃圾收集器将能够取回该内存.听说JVM不管理JNI使用的堆空间?但是JNI使用的内存是Java进程使用的内存的一部分吗?

  1. What if I have a JNI call to a method and the JNI method leaks memory. Once this method completes will the JVM Garbage collector be able to get that memory back. I heard that the JVM does not manage the Heap Space used by JNI ? But the memory used by JNI is a part of the memory used by the Java process ?

一定要使用JNI来实现IPC吗?还有哪些其他流行的 Java 技术,或者有没有开源库来实现 Java 中的共享内存?

Is it absolutely necessary to use JNI to achieve IPC ? What are the other popular Java techniques or is there a Open Source Library to achieve Shared memory in Java ?


  1. 否:JNI 框架不为在本机端执行的代码分配的非 JVM 内存资源提供任何自动垃圾回收"(维基百科).
  2. 不,Java 有 套接字 确实是 ProcessBuilder.可以使用 MappedByteBuffer 实现共享内存.
  1. No: "the JNI framework does not provide any automatic garbage collection for non-JVM memory resources allocated by code executing on the native side" (Wikipedia).
  2. No, Java has sockets and indeed ProcessBuilder. Shared memory can be achieved with MappedByteBuffer.
