使用 long 将指针从 JNI 传递到 Java
我正在尝试将结构作为指针从 JNI 传递到 Java,以便以后能够将其从 Java 传递回 JNI.我已阅读此主题:通过 JNI 在 C 和 Java 之间传递指针,但我没有成功.
I'm trying to pass a structure as a pointer from JNI to Java to be able to pass it back later from Java to JNI. I have read this thread: Passing pointers between C and Java through JNI, but I did not succeed.
我有一个相当复杂的结构:struct myStruct_s myStruct;
I have a pretty complex structure : struct myStruct_s myStruct;
在 Java 中,我调用一个 JNI 函数来初始化结构并返回一个 long(指向结构的指针):
From Java, I call a JNI function to initialize the structure and to return a long (pointer to the structure):
JNIEXPORT jlong JNICALL Java_example_ExampleJNI_getStruct(JNIEnv *jenv, jclass jcls) {
struct myStruct_s mystruct;
long *lp = (long*)&myStruct;
return lp;
然后我用那个长的参数调用一个 Java 方法.在 JNI 中,我希望能够使用之前创建的结构.我喜欢这样:
Then I call a Java method with that long in argument. In JNI I want to be able to use the strcuture created earlier. I do like this:
JNIEEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_example_ExampleJNI_methode1(JNIEnv *jenv, jclass jcls, jlong jarg) {
struct myStruct_s *arg = (struct myStruct_s *)&jarg;
Well it doesn't work. I guess my cast of the long into the struct is wrong. How should I do it? Thank you.
EDIT : Thanks for the hints, here are the working functions
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_example_ExampleJNI_methode1(JNIEnv *jenv, jclass jcls, jlong jarg) {
struct myStruct_s *arg;
arg = (struct myStruct_s *)jarg;
JNIEXPORT jlong JNICALL Java_example_ExampleJNI_getStruct(JNIEnv *jenv, jclass jcls) {
struct myStruct_s *myStruct;
myStruct = (struct myStruct_s *)malloc(sizeof(struct myStruct_s));
long lp = (long)myStruct;
return lp;
struct myStruct_s mystruct;
是堆栈上的局部变量,因此在函数返回后不可用.可能这只是您的代码的缩减,但如果没有,则使用 malloc(sizeof(struct myStruct_s)) 为自己分配堆.
is a local variable on the stack, and therefore not available after the function returns. Possubly that's just a cut-down of your code, but if not then use a malloc(sizeof(struct myStruct_s)) to get yourself a heap allocation.
That then raises the question of when you are going to free that allocation, watch out for memory leaks.