当只有 https URL 时,获取证书并将其添加到 Java 信任库?

我正在尝试通过 Google Cloud Message 服务器向 Android 设备发送推送通知.

I'm trying to send push notifications to Android devices through the Google Cloud Message servers.



在我们的企业应用程序中,我们不使用默认的 CA 权限,并且出于安全原因,我们在 SSLContext 属性加载的信任库文件中手动添加我们信任的每个实体.我想将 GCM 证书添加到我们的信任库.

In our entreprise applications, we do not use the default CA authorities and we add manually each entity we trust for security reason, in a truststore file loaded by SSLContext properties. I'd like to add GCM certificate to our truststore.

我不知道如何从该 URL 获取证书.由于页面重定向到另一个非 SSL 页面,因此 Chrome/Firefox 导出方式似乎不起作用.

I don't know how to get the certificate from that URL. It seems the Chrome/Firefox export way is not working since the page redirects to another non-SSL page.



使用 Portecle.您可以打开目标密钥库,然后使用 Examine > Examine SSL/TLS Connection,输入 android.googleapis.com443你就完成了!

Use Portecle. You can open the target key store, then use Examine > Examine SSL/TLS Connection, enter android.googleapis.com and 443 and you're done!
