
2022-01-25 00:00:00 string enums compare java


I have an enum list of all the states in the US as following:

public enum State
{ AL, AK, AZ, AR, ..., WY }


and in my test file, I will read input from a text file that contain the state. Since they are string, how can I compare it to the value of enum list in order to assign value to the variable that I have set up as:

private State state;


I understand that I need to go through the enum list. However, since the values are not string type, how can you compare it? This is what I just type out blindly. I don't know if it's correct or not.

public void setState(String s)
    for (State st : State.values())
        if (s == State.values().toString())
           s = State.valueOf();



public void setState(String s){
 state = State.valueOf(s);

如果s"值与任何State"都不匹配,您可能想要处理可能引发的 IllegalArgumentException

You might want to handle the IllegalArgumentException that may be thrown if "s" value doesn't match any "State"
