如何比较 android 中的字符串与大于

2022-01-25 00:00:00 compare android java

我想知道是否有一种方法可以将 android 中的字符串与大于或 > 进行比较.

I was wondering if there is a way to compare strings in android with greater than or >.


String numbers = number.getText().toString();
if (numbers.equals("9")){

因此,如果您在数字 EditText 字段中输入 9,则输出 TextView 将显示 50.
我有很多不同的数字,然后 = 一个不同的数字,但如果我想要 10、11、12、13 等 = 100,我该怎么办?

so if you enter 9 in the number EditText field the output TextView will display 50.
I have quite a few different numbers that will then = a different number but what can I do if I want 10,11,12,13,etc to = 100?


Is there a way to do this by using something like this?

if (numbers.equals("9"++))


or is there some kind of wildcard in android like

if (numbers.equals("1"+"*"))

我知道如果我用零替换 * 它将是 10,所以如果可能的话,我可以为 1 制作一个,为 2 制作一个,为 3 制作一个,等等,这仍然可以为我节省很多代码.

i know if i replace the * with zero it will be 10 so if this is possible I could make one for 1, one for 2, one for 3, etc. and this would still save me so much code.
If this is not possible let me know if you have any ideas.




You'll need to convert the String to a number first. Something like this:

int number = Integer.parseInt(number.getText().toString());
if (number > 9)

如果不能保证字符串是一个有效的整数,你也必须处理 NumberFormatException.

If the String is not guaranteed to be a valid integer you'll have to handle NumberFormatException too.
