了解 servlet 容器

2022-01-24 00:00:00 containers java jsp weblogic servlets

作为一名 UI 开发人员和 Java 知识非常有限的人,我如何简单地理解 servlet 容器到底是什么?

As a UI devloper and someone with very limited Java knowledge, how do I understand what exactly is servlet container in simple terms ?

我听说 Weblogic、JBoss 等都是 servlet 容器,但不确定这究竟是什么意思.这是否意味着任何中间件技术?

I have heard Weblogic, JBoss, etc are servlet containers, but not sure what that means exactly. Does it mean any middleware technology ?



servlet 容器是一个应用服务器,它实现了 Java Servlet 规范.

A servlet container is an application server that implements some version of the Java Servlet Specification.

简而言之,servlet 规范定义了一种编程模型,允许开发人员编写处理请求(几乎总是 HTTP 请求)的组件,例如 servlet.然后可以将这些组件声明到容器中,它会处理与连接和管理这些组件相关的许多繁琐任务,以便它们可以处理这些请求.

In a nutshell, the servlet spec defines a programming model that allows a developer to write components, for example servlets, that process requests (almost always HTTP requests). Those components can then be declared to the container and it handles many of the tedious tasks involved with wiring up and managing those components such that they can process those requests.
