
2022-01-24 00:00:00 containers java

谁能给我一份完整的 Java 容器列表?我知道的一些是 Array、Arraylist、Hashtable、HashMap、HashSet、Node、NodeList、TreeNode 和 TreeMap.

Could anyone please give me a brief full list of containers in Java? Some of the ones I know are Array, Arraylist, Hashtable, HashMap, HashSet, Node, NodeList, TreeNode, and TreeMap.


本质上,所有关于 java容器",或者更广为人知的集合的文档都是 这里,最有用的页面是 这个,简要在这里列出.集合框架还有其他实现,例如 fastutils 框架,如果您知道您要使用的类型.另外 Gnu Trove 是另一个类似于 fastutils 的.

Essentially, all the docs about java "containers", or better known as collections, is here, with the most useful page being this one, brief list here. There are other implementations of the collections framework, like the fastutils framework that gives better performance if you knew the type you were going to use. Also Gnu Trove is another one similar to fastutils.
