可用的 Servlet 3.0 实现?

2022-01-24 00:00:00 containers jakarta-ee java servlets

除了 GlassFish 之外,还有哪些 Servlet 3.0 规范的实现可用(或至少处于测试阶段)?

Which implementations of the Servlet 3.0 specification are available (or at least in beta) besides GlassFish?


Tomcat 7.0 是 正在路上.它仍在开发中.Jetty 8 应该实现 Servlet 3.0,它也 仍在开发中(查看版本部分在底部).

Tomcat 7.0 is on its way. It is still in development. Jetty 8 is supposed to implement Servlet 3.0, it is also still in development (check the Versions section at bottom).

到目前为止,只有 GlassFish v3 作为稳定版本.

As far now there's only the GlassFish v3 as being a stable release.
