在哪里可以找到下载的 sbt 库?

2022-01-24 00:00:00 scala java sbt

sbt把下载的jar放在哪里?我试图让 sbt 下载所有依赖项并将它们放在 lib/目录下,以便我可以将它们与 ScalaIDE 一起使用,但是在我成功运行 sbt compile 之后,我不知道在哪里可以找到这些下载的.jars

Where does sbt put the downloaded jar? I'm trying to ask sbt to download all dependencies and put them under lib/ directory so I can use them with the ScalaIDE, however after I ran sbt compile successfully I don't know where to find these downloaded .jars


所有新的 SBT 版本(0.7.x 之后)默认将下载的 JARS 放入 .ivy2 主目录中的目录.

All new SBT versions (after 0.7.x) by default put the downloaded JARS into the .ivy2 directory in your home directory.

如果您使用的是 Linux,这通常是 /home//.ivy2/cache.

If you are using Linux, this is usually /home/<username>/.ivy2/cache.

如果您使用的是 Windows,这通常是 c:Users<username>.ivy2cache.

If you are using Windows, this is usually c:Users<username>.ivy2cache.

这是我的一个项目中的一个示例,我在其中定义了一个将依赖项复制到目标文件夹中的 SBT 任务.您可以将此代码放入您的 project/Build.scala 项目定义文件中.您的项目定义文件中应该有类似的内容(更多信息请访问 www.scala-sbt.org):

Here's an example from one of my projects, in which I define an SBT task that copies the dependencies into the target folder. You can place this code into your project/Build.scala project definition file. You should have something like this in your project definition file (more info at www.scala-sbt.org):

import sbt._
import Keys._
import Process._

object MyProjectBuild extends Build {

以下代码将所有库复制到 deploy/libz 子目录,通过定义一个 deploy 任务来捕获您的程序工件及其所有类路径依赖项:

The following code copies all your libraries to a deploy/libz subdirectory, by defining a deploy task that captures your program artifact and all its classpath dependencies:

val deployKey = TaskKey[Unit](
  "Deploys the project in the `deploy` subdirectory."

val deployTask = deployKey <<= (artifactPath in (Compile, packageBin), dependencyClasspath in Compile) map {
  (artifact, classpath) =>
  val deploydir = new File("deploy")
  val libzdir = new File("deploy%slib".format(File.separator))

  // clean old subdirectory

  // create subdirectory structure

  // copy deps and artifacts
  val fullcp = classpath.map(_.data) :+ artifact
  def lastName(file: File) = if (file.isFile) file.getName else file.getParentFile.getParentFile.getParentFile.getName
  for (file <- fullcp) {
    println("Copying: " + file + "; lastName: " + lastName(file))
    if (file.isFile) IO.copyFile(file, (libzdir / lastName(file)).asFile);
    else IO.copyDirectory(file, (libzdir / lastName(file)))
} dependsOn (packageBin in Compile)
