
2022-01-24 00:00:00 oop inheritance polymorphism extends java


public class Master{

    public String test(){
        return "I am the master object";

    public String boeh(){
        return "Only inside master";



public class Slave extends Master{

    public String test(){
        return "I am the slave object";

    public String mehh(){
        return "Only insde slave";


我知道我可以这样做:Master jedi = new Slave()(因为 Slave 是 Master 的子类型).

I know I can do this: Master jedi = new Slave() (because Slave is a child type of Master).

因为我可以...为什么在变量设置为 Master 时得到 "I am the slave object".我得到了 Slave.test() 的结果,但无法访问 Slave.mehh().

And because I can... Why do I get "I am the slave object" while the variable is set to Master. And I get the result of Slave.test() but can't access Slave.mehh().


So whats the reason to give a variable a type when its ignored this why? Or in other words when Master jedi is actually Slave jedi what function does it has to declare Master?



This is called polymorphism (and it is, in fact, one of the main reasons why we use object-oriented programming). It allows you to call different methods (under the same signature) from a base type variable without knowing the type of the contained objects beforehand. So this allows you to have more abstracted code (code that doesn't closely depend on the exact implementations of its parts).


If you want the methods to be dispatched dynamically, based on their runtime type (their actual type), you use instance methods. If you want the methods to be statically dispatched based on their compile-time type (the type of the variable you have assigned them to), you can use static methods instead.
