Java 对象转换如何在幕后工作?

2022-01-24 00:00:00 polymorphism casting java

Java cast 运算符是如何工作的?
Java 转换实现

我一直想知道对象转换在 Java 中是如何工作的.我理解原始类型更像是二进制表示级别,但是对象呢?是不是有点像 Polymorphismdynamic binding,因为一切都将在运行时确定?例如:

I am always wondering how object casting works in Java. I understand for primitive type it will be more like in binary representation level, but what about Object? Is it kind of like Polymorphism or dynamic binding in that everything will be determined at runtime? For example:

class Parent{
     void A(){}
class Child extends Parent{
     void A(){}

Parent p = new Parent();
Child c = (Child) p;

这在幕后是如何运作的?它会创建一个新的 Child 实例吗?此外,如果您尝试投射会发生什么:

How does this work behind the scene? Does it create a new instance of Child? And also, what happens if you try to cast:

Child b = (Child) new Object();


And last one, when casting a primitive to a wrapper class:

Double d = (Double) 3.3;


I know you don't necessary need to cast it, but what if you do? Is there anything significant that happens on the backend?


当您使用显式转换时,系统中不会创建新对象(除了最后一种情况,您将原始类型转换为 对象包装器,因为 double 不是像 Double 这样的对象).请注意,由于 Java 的 自动装箱功能.

No new objects are created in the system when you use explicit casting (except in your last case, where you cast a primitive type to an object wrapper, since double is not an object like Double is). Note that this explicit cast isn't necessary due to Java's autoboxing feature.

在您的 (Child) new Object() 场景中,您将收到一个 ClassCastException 因为一个 Object 不是一个 Child (尽管反之亦然).

In your (Child) new Object() scenario, you will receive a ClassCastException because an Object is not a Child (although the opposite is true).

第一个场景的答案是最复杂的.本质上,父类被视为接口.当您将 Child 强制转换为 Parent 时,只有 Parent API 可用.但是,仍将调用被覆盖的方法.所以,如果你这样做:

The answer to your first scenario is the most complicated. Essentially the parent class is treated like an interface might be. When you cast the Child to the Parent, only the Parent API is available. However, the overridden method will still be called. So, if you do:

Parent p = (Parent) new Child();

... Childpublic void a() 将被调用,即使它是通过 Parent 的镜头看到的代码>类.但是,如果您要在 Child 中使用 Parent 没有的第二种方法(例如 public void b() ),如果不将对象转换回 Child,您将 不 能够调用它.

... the Child's public void a() will be called, even though it is being seen through the lens of the Parent class. However if you were to have a second method in the Child that the Parent does not have (let's say public void b() for instance), you would not be able to call that without casting the object back to a Child.

幕后",正如你所说,唯一创建的新事物是另一个 指向同一个对象的对象引用.您可以对同一个单一对象有任意多的引用.考虑这个例子:

"Behind the scenes", as you say, the only new thing that is created is another object reference which points to the same object. You can have as many references as you like to the same, singular object. Consider this example:

Parent p = new Parent();
Parent p1 = p;
Parent p2 = p;
Parent p3 = p2;

这里有四个引用(pp1p2p3),每个引用指向您使用 new Parent() 声明创建的同一对象.

Here, there are four references (p, p1, p2, and p3) each of which points to the same object you created with the new Parent() declaration.

不过,我可能会在哲学观点上争论,当你说 Parent p = something 时,这种新引用的创建实际上是明确的,而不是在幕后.

I would probably argue on the philosophical point, though, that this creation of new references is actually explicit rather than behind the scenes when you say Parent p = something.


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