如何使 JavaFX Slider 以离散的步骤移动?

2022-01-24 00:00:00 integer slider java javafx javafx-8

我正在使用 JavaFx 制作一个 GUI,我需要只允许选择 integers 的滑块.

I am making a GUI using JavaFx and I need sliders that only allow integers to ever be selected.

我知道我可以使用 snapToTicks,但在拉出 "knob" 时,它仍然可以表示 非整数 值.我想摆脱它.它会弄乱与之链接的其他组件.

I know I can use snapToTicks, but while pulling the "knob", it can still represent a non-integer value. I would like to get rid of that. It messes up other components linked to it.

基本上,我想要 Swing 的 JSlider 之类的东西,但要使用 JavaFx.是否可以?我一直在寻找,但找不到任何东西.

Basically, I want something like Swing's JSlider, but with JavaFx. Is it possible? I have been searching but I can't find anything.


你可以简单地添加一个监听器到 valuePropertySlider 然后你可以设置 新 的整数值编号值:

You can simply add a listener to the valueProperty of the Slider and then you can either set the integer value of the new Number value:

slider.valueProperty().addListener((obs, oldval, newVal) -> 

或者您可以使用整数舍入 Math.round:

or alternatively you can use integer rounding using Math.round:

slider.valueProperty().addListener((obs, oldval, newVal) ->
