如何从静态 main() 方法调用内部类的方法

2022-01-24 00:00:00 polymorphism java inner-classes

尝试在父类中创建 1 个接口和 2 个具体类.这将使封闭类成为内部类.

Trying to create 1 interface and 2 concrete classes inside a Parent class. This will qualify the enclosing classes to be Inner classes.

public class Test2 {

       interface A{
             public void call();

       class B implements A{
             public void call(){
                   System.out.println("inside class B");

       class C extends B implements A{
             public void call(){

       public static void main(String[] args) {
              A a = new C();


现在我不太确定如何在静态 main() 方法中创建类 C 的对象并调用类 C 的 call() 方法.现在我遇到问题了:A a = new C();

Now I am not really sure how to create the object of class C inside the static main() method and call class C's call() method. Right now I am getting problem in the line : A a = new C();



Here the inner class is not static, so you need to create an instance of outer class and then invoke new,

A a = new Test2().new C();


But in this case, you can make the inner class static,

static class C extends B implements A


A a = new C()
