
2022-01-24 00:00:00 polymorphism casting java

我有下一个问题.我扩展了一个类 Parrent 并在 Child 类中重写了它的一个方法.我试图将类型转换为超类类型,但每次我都会得到孩子的重写方法.当我使用多态性时也会发生这种情况.

I have my next question. I have extended a class, Parrent and overridden one of its method in the Child class. I tried to cast the type to the superclass type, but I get the child's overridden method every time. This also happens when I use polymorphism.


Questions are in the comments inside code below... Thanks in advance.

class Parrent{
    public void test(){

class Child extends Parrent{
    public void test(){

class StartProgram{
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Parrent p1 = new Parrent();
        p1.test(); // output: parentTest

        Child c1 = new Child();
        c1.test(); // output: childTest

        Parrent p2 = new Child();
        p2.test(); // why returns child method? becouse it's overriden?

        ((Parrent) new Child()).test();  // why returns child method if I cast it?



强制转换只是为了编译器的利益.JVM 对此一无所知,也不影响调用什么方法.JVM 尝试通过查找与给定签名匹配的内容来解析方法,从最具体的类开始,然后沿着层次结构向上移动到根 (java.lang.Object),直到找到某些内容.

Casting is solely for the benefit of the compiler. The JVM doesn't know anything about it, and it does not affect what method gets called. The JVM tries to resolve a method by looking for something that matches the given signature, starting with the most specific class and working its way up the hierarchy towards the root (java.lang.Object) until it finds something.


The purpose of polymorphism is so code calling some object doesn't have to know exactly what subclass is being used, the object being called takes care of its own specialized functionality. Having a subclass override a method means that objects of that subclass need to handle that method in their own particular way, and the caller doesn't have to care about it.


Casting is for odd edge cases where your code can't know what type something is. You shouldn't need to cast if you know the super type (Parent in your example), the subclass should take care of itself.
