Java 和 C/C++ 程序之间的命名管道

2022-01-24 00:00:00 connection networking c c++ java


I think of using in windows a named pipe to communicate between two apps written in Java and C. Normally i use socket connection to do this, but now i have to cancel this idea and find a new solution.

我读到 java 中的命名管道只能在 JVM 中可见——这是真的吗?有没有办法在用不同语言编写的两个应用程序之间建立命名管道?

I read that named pipe in java can be visible only inside JVM-is this true? Is there a way to establish named pipe between two apps wriiten in different language?


If not, what kind of technology do You advice?


为了在 Java 中创建一个 Windows 命名管道,你必须求助于使用 JNI 来调用本机 WINAPI 函数.

In order to create a Windows named pipe in Java, you'd have to resort to using JNI to call the native WINAPI functions.

不过,您可以在 C++ 中创建命名管道,并在创建后通过在管道命名空间中将其作为文件打开来在 Java 中使用它.

You can create the named pipe in C++, though, and consume it in Java by opening it as a file in the pipe namespace after it has been created.
