
2022-01-24 00:00:00 connection java httpurlconnection

我见过的许多示例都没有显式调用 connect().相反,他们只使用 getInputStream()getResponseCode().

Many examples I've seen don't explicitly call connect(). Instead they just use getInputStream() or getResponseCode().

我假设所有这些需要连接的 HttpURLConnection 方法只是自己调用 connect() 吗?

I'm assuming all of these HttpURLConnection methods that require a connection just call connect() themselves?

是否存在必须为 HttpURLConnection 显式调用 connect() 的情况?

Are there any cases where connect() must be explicitly called for an HttpURLConnection?


不,没有案例.它是按需隐式执行的.它甚至在文档中指定.这是 的摘录URLConnection#connect() javadoc:

No, there are no cases. It's implicitly executed on demand. It's even specified in the documentation. Here's an extract of the URLConnection#connect() javadoc:

依赖于连接的操作,如 getContentLength,将在必要时隐式执行连接.

Operations that depend on being connected, like getContentLength, will implicitly perform the connection, if necessary.
