是否可以在两个类之间使用 RMI 双向?

2022-01-24 00:00:00 connection java rmi

我想在两个类(A 和 B)之间共享一些信息,它们在不同的 java 程序中运行.我不想编写一个完整的通信协议,而是为此目的使用 java 内置 rmi 类.目前 B 类能够远程运行属于 A 类的方法.是否可以在 A 类中使用相同的连接"来调用 B 类的方法?否则我可能不得不实现第二个 rmi 服务......

I want to share some information between two classes (A and B), which are running in different java programs. Instead of writing a whole communication protocol I want to use the java build-in rmi classes for that purpose. Currently class B is able to run a method which belongs to class A remotely. Is it somehow possible to use the same "connection" within class A to call a method of class B? Otherwise I probably have to implement a second rmi service ...




如果B实现了Remote,则可以在RMI调用中导出并作为参数传递给A.在这种情况下,不需要在 RMI 注册表中注册 B,因为客户端被显式地传递了对它的引用.

If B implements Remote, it can be export and passed as a parameter in an RMI call to A. In this scenario, there's no need to register B in an RMI registry, since the client is being passed a reference to it explicitly.
