Java GUI:关于 getContentPane() 方法和内容

2022-01-24 00:00:00 java swing jframe


JLabel emptyLabel = new JLabel("");
emptyLabel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(175, 100));
frame.getContentPane().add(emptyLabel, BorderLayout.CENTER);

我可以看到它创建了一个新标签并将其添加到 JFrame 对象 frame.但我想了解 getContentPane() 是做什么的,为什么需要它?

I can see it makes a new label and adds it to the JFrame object frame. But I want to understand what does getContentPane() do, and why do I need it?

我阅读了 这个 API 但我仍然没看懂.

I read this API but I still didn't understand.


每一个JPanel都是一个容器,所以要么添加到面板然后添加到容器中,要么直接使用add(component) 或使用 getContentPane().add 方法.两者都在 Java 7 中将组件添加到容器中(我不知道版本 6 是否存在问题).

Every JPanel is a container, so either add it to a panel then add it to the container or directly use add(component) or use the getContentPane().add method. Both add the component to the container in Java 7 (I don't know if version 6 has a problem with this or not).
