带有 gui 的 Java 刽子手游戏,增加/减少数字的问题

以下部分代码不起作用,因为每个单词的赢/输计数不断增加超过 1,有时我会收到字符串长度的空指针异常.此外,虽然玩家应该得到 7 次尝试(int no),但有时他会得到更多,有时会更少.字符串取自文本文件Hangeng.txt".整个游戏在按键监听器内的键盘按键监听器内.欢迎任何有关如何安排游戏布局以避免错误的提示,因为我才刚刚开始使用 swing 和 gui 的东西.

The following part of the code doesn't work, as the won/lost count keeps incrementing by more than 1 for each word, and sometimes I get a nullpointerexception with the string length. Moreover, although the player is supposed to get 7 tries(int no), sometimes he gets more, sometimes less. The Strings are taken from a text file "Hangeng.txt". The whole game is inside a keyboard keytyped listener that is inside a button listener. Any tips on how the layout of the game should generally be arranged so as to avoid errors are welcome, as I am only beginning to work with swing and gui stuff.

        public class test{
static int won = 0;
static int lost = 0;
static String key = "";
static String word = null;
static int no = 0;
static StringBuffer toguess;

      public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException{

 JFrame frame = new JFrame();
  frame.setLayout(new GridLayout(3,1));
      JPanel panel1 = new JPanel();
     JPanel panel2 = new JPanel();
      JPanel panel3 = new JPanel();
         JButton button = new JButton();
           JLabel label = new JLabel();
           JLabel label2 = new JLabel();

 //the button that starts the game or gets a new word
 button.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {

                no = 0;

                label2.setText("won " + won + ", lost " + lost);

                                    //get random word from file
                BufferedReader reader = null;
                try {
                    reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(
                } catch (FileNotFoundException e1) {
                int lineno = (int) (Math.random() * 100);
                for (int i = 0; i < lineno; i++) {
                    try {
                    } catch (IOException e1) {

                try {
                    word = reader.readLine().replace(" ", "");
                } catch (IOException e1) {

                String missing = "";
                for (int u = 0; u < (word.length() - 2); u++) {
                    missing = missing + "*";
                final String guess = word.charAt(0) + missing
                        + word.charAt((word.length() - 1));
                toguess = new StringBuffer(guess);
                final ArrayList<String> tried = new ArrayList<String>();

            //keylistener that listens to key clicks by the user

         frame.addKeyListener(new KeyListener() {
                    public void keyPressed(KeyEvent arg0) {

                    public void keyReleased(KeyEvent arg0) {

                    public void keyTyped(KeyEvent arg0) {
                        key = "" + arg0.getKeyChar();
                        String guessing = null;
                        boolean k = false;

                        if ((no < 6)) {
                            guessing = key;
                            if (!(tried.contains(guessing))) {
                                for (int length = 1; length < (guess
                                        .length() - 1); length++) {
                                    if (guessing.equals(String.valueOf(word.charAt(length)))) {
                                                (length + 1),
                                        k = true;
                                if (k == true) {
                                } else {
                                    no = no + 1;
                                k = false;
                            if (toguess.toString().equals(word)) {
                                label.setText("Correct! The word was "  + word);
                                no = 6;
                                won = won + 1;
                        else if ((no == 6)
                                && (!(toguess.toString().equals(word)))) {
                            label.setText("Sorry, but the word was " + word);

                            lost = lost + 1;





+1 to all comments....


  • 不要使用 KeyListener 使用 KeyAdapter 但是当您使用 Swing 而不是 AWT 时,您应该为 Swing 使用 KeyBinding例如,请参见此处.

  • Do not use KeyListener use a KeyAdapter however as you are using Swing and not AWT you should use KeyBindings for Swing see here for example.

不要忘记通过 SwingUtiltities.invokeLater(..) 块在 Event Dispatch Thread 上创建和操作 Swing 组件,请参阅 这里了解更多信息.

Dont forget to create and manipulate Swing components on Event Dispatch Thread via SwingUtiltities.invokeLater(..) block see here for more.

检查它们应该以大写字母开头的类命名方案,即 test 应该是 Test 并且之后的每个新单词都应该大写.

Check class naming schemes they shuld start with capital letter, i.e test should be Test and every new word after that should be capitalized.

不要在 JFrame 上调用 setSize 而是使用适当的 LayoutManager 和/或覆盖 getPreferredSize() JPanel 并返回适合其内容的大小,并在添加所有组件后在 JFrame 实例上调用 pack().

Do not call setSize on JFrame rather use appropriate LayoutManager and/or override getPreferredSize() of JPanel and return a size which fits its content and call pack() on JFrame instance after adding all components.

另外,SSCCE 应该可以通过复制和粘贴来编译,这不是.... 即需要变量要改成final,我没有Hangeng.txt的样本所以无法测试

Also SSCCE should be compilable from copy and paste this is not.... i.e variables needed to be changed to final and I dont have a sample of Hangeng.txt so cant test


Lastly use the @Override annotation to ensure you are overriding the correct methods, i.e

public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {

