在另一个框架中单击按钮时更新框架上 JPanel 的内容

2022-01-24 00:00:00 netbeans java swing jpanel jframe

我创建了一个框架 x1,它有一个面板 p1.加载 x1 时,复选框会动态添加到 p1.添加到 p1 的复选框的数量取决于数据库表 (t1) 中满足特定条件的数据值的数量.

I have created a frame x1 which has a panel p1. When x1 is loaded, checkboxes are added dynamically to p1. The number of checkboxes added to p1 depend on the number of data values in the database table(t1) that satisfy a particular criteria.

帧 x1 上有一个按钮 b1.单击 b1 时,会显示另一个框架 x2,其中可以修改数据库表 t1 的数据值.x2 中的更新"按钮更新 t1 以反映对其数据值所做的更改.

There is a button b1 on frame x1. When b1 is clicked,it displays another frame x2 in which data values of the database table t1 can be modified. A button 'update' in x2,updates t1 to reflect the changes made to its data values.

修改后,当 x2 关闭时,我希望框架 x1 中的面板 p1 自动更新以反映对数据库所做的更改,即满足条件的数据值的数量可能在 x2 中的 t1 修改后发生了变化,因此,在 p1 上显示的复选框的数量也可能发生了变化.

After modification,when x2 is closed I want the panel p1 in frame x1 to be updated automatically to reflect the changes made to the database ie the number of data values satisfying the criteria might have changed after modifictaion of t1 in x2 and hence,the number of check boxes to be displayed on p1 might have changed as well.

如何从 x2 刷新和重新加载 x1 中面板 p1 的组件.

How do I refresh and reload the components of panel p1 in x1 from x2.


Was wondering if anyone could help me fix the problem. Thanks in advance and sorry about the load of text in the question.

    In x2:

       private void UPDATEActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt)
        //x1 is an object of ParentFrame

        ParentFrame f1=new ParentFrame();
              //fillpanel()fills p1 with checkboxes after running validate() and repaint() on it



当点击 b1 时,它会显示另一个帧 x2,其中数据值数据库表t1的可以修改

When b1 is clicked,it displays another frame x2 in which data values of the database table t1 can be modified

  • 改用 CardLayout
  • 添加到p1的复选框的数量取决于数据的数量数据库表 (t1) 中满足特定条件的值.

    The number of checkboxes added to p1 depend on the number of data values in the database table(t1) that satisfy a particular criteria.

    确保从 JPanel 中删除当前内容,然后

    be sure that current contents from JPanel is removed, then


    • 会起作用,不要重新创建JPanel的新实例,然后你必须将此Objcet添加到JFrame,然后必须调用验证() &repaint()JFrame(现在我希望你不要扩展这个容器 :-)
      • will be works, don't to re_create a new instance of JPanel, then you have to add this Objcet to the JFrame, then have to call validate() & repaint() to JFrame (now I hope that you doean't extends this container :-)
      • 修改后,当 x2 关闭时,我希望框架 x1 中的面板 p1 自动更新以反映对数据库,即满足标准的数据值的数量可能在 x2 中修改 t1 后发生了变化,因此,要在 p1 上显示的复选框也可能已更改.

        After modification,when x2 is closed I want the panel p1 in frame x1 to be updated automatically to reflect the changes made to the database ie the number of data values satisfying the criteria might have changed after modifictaion of t1 in x2 and hence,the number of check boxes to be displayed on p1 might have changed as well.

        • 改用 CardLayout


          don't to create two or more JFrames, use JDialog instead,

          只创建 JDialog (setDefaultCloseOperation(JDialog.CLOSE...)) 一个实例,将此容器重用于父级的另一个操作

          create JDialog (setDefaultCloseOperation(JDialog.CLOSE...)) only one instance, reuse this container for another action from parent
