Java:如何将 JFrame 放在最前面?

2022-01-24 00:00:00 java swing jframe jdialog

我目前正在等待一个非常重要的公告,我创建了一个简单的应用程序,每 30 分钟检查一次公告是否发布

I am currently waiting for a very important announcement and I have created a simple application to check every 30 minutes whether the announcement was made or not

发布公告后,我希望弹出一个窗口并通知我.该窗口只是一个简单的 JFrame,其中包含一些文本.

When the announcement is made, I want a window to pop up and inform me about it. The window is just a simple JFrame that has some text in it.

我有一个类叫做 Announcement.

I have a class called Announcement.

在这个类中,我为名为 Form 的框架定义了另一个类,所以我有这样的事情:

Inside this class I define another class for the frame called Form, so I have something like this:

 class Form{

    public Form(){
       //create frame and show it
          JFrame frame = new JFrame("anouncement");
        Container c = frame.getContentPane();
        frame.setSize(420, 100);
        JLabel l1 = new JLabel("The announcement was just made");
        l1.setFont(new Font("Courier New", Font.ITALIC, 20));
        frame.toFront(); //this thing doesn't work


 public class Announcement{

       public static void main(String[] args){
           //do the checking every 30 minutes part

toFront 函数根本不起作用.

The toFront function doesn't work at all.


What I want it do is, for example: while I'm browsing, I want this window to pop up and set the focus on this window.


So I want it to be in front of all the other windows no matter how many other windows I have already opened.


如果我理解正确的话,你的代码至少有两个窗口——一个是你称之为表单"的基本程序,另一个是你希望的窗口跳出"基本窗口,对吗?如果是这样,那么不要使用第二个 JFrame,而是让跳出"窗口成为 JDialog 或 JOptionPane 并使其依赖于第一个窗口.

If I understand you correctly, your code has at least two windows -- one the basic program which you call "Form" and the other a window that you wish to "jump out" over the basic window, correct? If so, then don't use a second JFrame, but rather have the "jump-out" window be a JDialog or JOptionPane and make it dependent on the first window.


Please correct me if my assumptions are incorrect.
