添加新组件后刷新 JFrame

2022-01-24 00:00:00 user-interface java jframe

我想在运行时按下按钮时向我的 JFrame 添加一些新组件.到目前为止这有效,但我必须手动调整窗口大小才能看到新组件.

I want to add some new Components to my JFrame during runtime when a button is pressed. This works so far, but i have to resize the window manually to see the new components.


Is there any Action I can fire or a method to call to refresh the window? Any help appreciated. Thanks in advance.


你必须 revalidate(); 框架.如果这不起作用,您还必须调用 repaint();

You have to revalidate(); the frame. If that doesn't work you also have to call repaint();
