两个不同的 JFrame 之间的通信?

2022-01-24 00:00:00 java swing jframe

您好,您可能听说过 GIMP 或类似的东西,它使用不同的帧作为一个完整的 gui,所以我想知道当两个(可能多个)帧都加载到内存中并且可见时如何进行这种帧通信.

Hello as maybe you have heard about GIMP or something like that which uses different frames As a complete gui so I was wondering how to do such frames communications when both(maybe multiple) frames are loaded in memory and are visible.


I have gone through some articles but they were not so satisfactory, if anyone have a good example or tutorial then please share.




Basically, it's just a matter of having a reference to frame A in frame B, and a reference to frame B in frame A :

public class FrameA extends JFrame {
    private FrameB frameB;

    public void setFrameB(FrameB frameB) {
        this.frameB = frameB;

    public void foo() {
        // change things in this frame

public class FrameB extends JFrame {
    private FrameA frameA;

    public void setFrameA(FrameA frameA) {
        this.frameA = frameA;

    public void bar() {
        // change things in this frame

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        FrameA frameA = new FrameA();
        FrameB frameB = new FrameB();
        // make both frames visible


Most of the time, interfaces are introduced to decouple the frames (listeners, etc.), or a mediator is used in order to avoid too much linkings between all the frames, but you should get the idea.
