打开新 JFrame 时如何禁用主 JFrame

2022-01-24 00:00:00 java swing jframe

示例现在我有一个包含 jtable 显示所有客户信息的主框架,并且有一个创建按钮来打开一个新的 JFrame,允许用户创建新客户.我不希望用户可以打开多个创建框架.任何 Swing 组件或 API 都可以做到这一点?或者如何禁用主框架?像 JDialog 这样的东西.

Example now I have a main frame contains jtable display all the customer information, and there was a create button to open up a new JFrame that allow user to create new customer. I don't want the user can open more than one create frame. Any swing component or API can do that? or how can disabled the main frame? Something like JDialog.


我建议您将新客户对话框设为模态 JDialog,这样您就不允许其他对话框/框架输入您的应用程序可见时.查看modality 教程了解详情.

I would suggest that you make your new customer dialog a modal JDialog so that you do not allow input from other dialogs/frames in your app while it is visible. Take a look at the modality tutorial for details.
