
2022-01-24 00:00:00 graphics java jpanel jframe css-position

我正在尝试通过制作一个益智程序来提高我对 Java 的理解,尤其是 Java GUI.当前,用户选择一个图像,该图像被切割成指定数量的块.这些碎片是随机绘制到屏幕上的,但它们似乎被其他碎片的空白部分覆盖,并不是所有的都显示出来,但我可以打印出所有的坐标.我正在使用绝对定位,因为 LayoutManager 似乎不起作用.我短暂地尝试了 layeredPanes,但他们让我感到困惑,似乎并没有解决问题.我真的很感激一些帮助.
以下是 2 个相关的类:

I'm trying to improve my understanding of Java, particularly Java GUI, by making a puzzle program. Currently the user selects an image, which is cut up into a specified number of pieces. The pieces are drawn randomly to the screen but they seem to be covered by blank portions of other pieces, and not all of them show up, but I can print out all the coordinates. I am using absolute positioning because a LayoutManager didn't seem to work. I briefly tried layeredPanes but they confused me and didn't seem to solve the problem. I would really appreciate some help.
Here are the 2 relevant classes:

import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.image.*;
import java.awt.event.*;

public class PuzzlePieceDriver extends JFrame
  private static Dimension SCREENSIZE = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize();
  private static final int HEIGHT = SCREENSIZE.height;
  private static final int WIDTH = SCREENSIZE.width;

  public static int MY_WIDTH;
  public static int MY_HEIGHT;

  private static BufferedImage image;

  private int xPieces = PuzzleMagicDriver.getXPieces();
  private int yPieces = PuzzleMagicDriver.getYPieces();

  private PuzzlePiece[] puzzle = new PuzzlePiece[xPieces*yPieces];

  public Container pane = this.getContentPane();
  private JLayeredPane layeredPane = new JLayeredPane();

  public PuzzlePieceDriver(ImageIcon myPuzzleImage)
    MY_WIDTH = myPuzzleImage.getIconWidth()+(int)myPuzzleImage.getIconHeight()/2;
    MY_HEIGHT = myPuzzleImage.getIconHeight()+(int)myPuzzleImage.getIconHeight()/2;
    setTitle("Hot Puzz");


image = iconToImage(myPuzzleImage); //pass image into bufferedImage form

puzzle = createClip(image);


  }//end constructor

  public static BufferedImage iconToImage(ImageIcon icon)
    Image img = icon.getImage();
 int w = img.getWidth(null);
 int h = img.getHeight(null);
 BufferedImage image = new BufferedImage(w, h, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB);
 Graphics g = image.createGraphics();
     // Paint the image onto the buffered image
    g.drawImage(img, 0, 0, null);

    return image;
  }//end BufferedImage

  protected int randomNumber(int min, int max)
    int temp = 
    min + (int)(Math.random() * ((max - min) + 1));

 return temp;
  }//end randomNumber

  private PuzzlePiece[] createClip(BufferedImage passedImage)

 int cw, ch;
 int w,h;
 w = image.getWidth(null);
 h = image.getHeight(null);
 cw = w/xPieces;
     ch = h/yPieces;

 int[] cells=new int[xPieces*yPieces];

 int dx, dy;

 BufferedImage clip = passedImage;

 //layeredPane.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(w,h));

    for (int x=0; x<xPieces; x++) 
        int sx = x*cw;
        for (int y=0; y<yPieces; y++) 
            int sy = y*ch;
            int cell = cells[x*xPieces+y];
            dx = (cell / xPieces) * cw;
            dy = (cell % yPieces) * ch;

            clip= passedImage.getSubimage(sx, sy, cw, ch);
    int myX = randomNumber(0,(int)w);
    int myY = randomNumber(0,(int)h);

    PuzzlePiece piece=new PuzzlePiece(clip,myX,myY);
    //layeredPane.add(piece,new Integer(x*xPieces+y));

        }//end nested for
}//end for
return puzzle;
  }//end createClip

}//end class


Sorry if the spacing is a little messed up!

import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.awt.image.*;

public class PuzzlePiece extends JPanel
private Point imageCorner;      //the image's top-left corner location
private Point prevPt;               //mouse location for previous event
private Boolean insideImage =false;

private BufferedImage image;

public PuzzlePiece(BufferedImage clip, int x, int y)
 image = clip;
 imageCorner = new Point(x,y);
}//end constructor

public void paintComponent(Graphics g)
 g.drawImage(image, (int)getImageCornerX(),(int)getImageCornerY(), this);
     System.out.println("paint "+getImageCornerX()+"   "+getImageCornerY());
}//end paintComponent

public Point getImageCorner()
  return imageCorner;
}//end getImageCorner
public double getImageCornerY()
  return imageCorner.getY();
}//end getImageCornerY
public double getImageCornerX()
  return imageCorner.getX();
}//end getPoint

}//end class PuzzlePiece


Any help would be appreciated, I've gotten really stuck! Thanks!!



I was really intrigued by this idea, so I made another example, using a custom layout manager.

public class MyPuzzelBoard extends JPanel {

    public static final int GRID_X = 4;
    public static final int GRID_Y = 4;
    private BufferedImage image;

    public MyPuzzelBoard(BufferedImage image) {
        setLayout(new VirtualLayoutManager());

        addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() {
            public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) {
                if (e.getClickCount() == 2) {
                } else {
                    Component comp = getComponentAt(e.getPoint());
                    if (comp != null && comp != MyPuzzelBoard.this) {
                        setComponentZOrder(comp, 0);

    public void setImage(BufferedImage value) {
        if (value != image) {
            image = value;

    public BufferedImage getImage() {
        return image;

    protected float generateRandomNumber() {
        return (float) Math.random();

    protected void generatePuzzel() {
        BufferedImage image = getImage();

        if (image != null) {
            int imageWidth = image.getWidth();
            int imageHeight = image.getHeight();

            int clipWidth = imageWidth / GRID_X;
            int clipHeight = imageHeight / GRID_Y;
            for (int x = 0; x < GRID_X; x++) {
                for (int y = 0; y < GRID_Y; y++) {

                    float xPos = generateRandomNumber();
                    float yPos = generateRandomNumber();
                    Rectangle bounds = new Rectangle((x * clipWidth), (y * clipHeight), clipWidth, clipHeight);
                    MyPiece piece = new MyPiece(image, bounds);
                    add(piece, new VirtualPoint(xPos, yPos));



    public class VirtualPoint {

        private float x;
        private float y;

        public VirtualPoint(float x, float y) {
            this.x = x;
            this.y = y;

        public float getX() {
            return x;

        public float getY() {
            return y;

        public void setX(float x) {
            this.x = x;

        public void setY(float y) {
            this.y = y;

    public class VirtualLayoutManager implements LayoutManager2 {

        private Map<Component, VirtualPoint> mapConstraints;

        public VirtualLayoutManager() {
            mapConstraints = new WeakHashMap<>(25);

        public void addLayoutComponent(Component comp, Object constraints) {
            if (constraints instanceof VirtualPoint) {
                mapConstraints.put(comp, (VirtualPoint) constraints);

        public Dimension maximumLayoutSize(Container target) {
            return new Dimension(Integer.MAX_VALUE, Integer.MAX_VALUE);

        public float getLayoutAlignmentX(Container target) {
            return 0.5f;

        public float getLayoutAlignmentY(Container target) {
            return 0.5f;

        public void invalidateLayout(Container target) {

        public void addLayoutComponent(String name, Component comp) {

        public void removeLayoutComponent(Component comp) {

        public Dimension preferredLayoutSize(Container parent) {
            return new Dimension(400, 400);

        public Dimension minimumLayoutSize(Container parent) {
            return preferredLayoutSize(parent);

        public void layoutContainer(Container parent) {
            int width = parent.getWidth();
            int height = parent.getHeight();

            for (Component comp : parent.getComponents()) {

                VirtualPoint p = mapConstraints.get(comp);
                if (p != null) {

                    int x = Math.round(width * p.getX());
                    int y = Math.round(height * p.getY());

                    Dimension size = comp.getPreferredSize();

                    x = Math.min(x, width - size.width);
                    y = Math.min(y, height - size.height);

                    comp.setBounds(x, y, size.width, size.height);


基本上,这使用虚拟"坐标系,而不是提供以像素为单位的绝对 x/y 位置,而是以父容器的百分比形式提供它们.现在,老实说,转换回绝对定位并不需要太多,这样,您还可以获得布局缩放.

Basically, this uses a "virtual" coordinate system, where by rather then supply absolute x/y positions in pixels, you provide them as percentage of the parent container. Now, to be honest, it wouldn't take much to convert back to absolute positioning, just this way, you also get layout scaling.

该示例还演示了 Z 重新排序(以防万一)和双击简单重新随机化拼图

The example also demonstrates Z-reording (just in case) and the double click simple re-randomizes the puzzel

哦,我也让这块透明(opaque = false)

Oh, I also made the piece transparent (opaque = false)


Oh, one thing I should mention, while going through this example, I found that it was possible to have pieces placed off screen (completely and partially).


You may want to check your positioning code to make sure that the images when they are laid out aren't been moved off screen ;)
