
2022-01-24 00:00:00 iteration date java

请指导我使用 Java 实现这一目标.

In my script I need to perform a set of actions through range of dates, given a start and end date.
Please provide me guidance to achieve this using Java.

for ( currentDate = starDate; currentDate < endDate; currentDate++) {



I know the above code is simply impossible, but I do it in order to show you what I'd like to achieve.


好吧,你可以使用 Java 8 的 time-API,专门针对这个问题 java.time.LocalDate (或等效的 Joda Time Java 7 及更早版本的类)

Well, you could do something like this using Java 8's time-API, for this problem specifically java.time.LocalDate (or the equivalent Joda Time classes for Java 7 and older)

for (LocalDate date = startDate; date.isBefore(endDate); date = date.plusDays(1))

我会彻底推荐使用 java.time(或 Joda Time)而不是内置 Date/Calendar 类.

I would thoroughly recommend using java.time (or Joda Time) over the built-in Date/Calendar classes.
