
2022-01-24 00:00:00 递归 string algorithm iteration java

我正在尝试创建一个数据结构,它包含所有可能的子字符串组合,这些组合加起来是原始字符串.例如,如果字符串是 "java",则有效结果将是 "j", "ava", "ja", "v", "a",无效结果将是 "ja", "a""a", "jav"

I'm trying to create a data structure that holds all the possible substring combinations that add up to the original string. For example, if the string is "java" the valid results would be "j", "ava", "ja", "v", "a", an invalid result would be "ja", "a" or "a", "jav"


I had it very easy in finding all the possible substrings

    String string = "java";
    List<String> substrings = new ArrayList<>();
    for( int c = 0 ; c < string.length() ; c++ )
        for( int i = 1 ; i <= string.length() - c ; i++ )
            String sub = string.substring(c, c+i);


and now I'm trying to construct a structure that holds only the valid substrings. But its not nearly as easy. I'm in the mist of a very ugly code, fiddling around with the indexes, and no where near of finishing, most likely on a wrong path completely. Any hints?



static List<List<String>> substrings(String input) {

    // Base case: There's only one way to split up a single character
    // string, and that is ["x"] where x is the character.
    if (input.length() == 1)
        return Collections.singletonList(Collections.singletonList(input));

    // To hold the result
    List<List<String>> result = new ArrayList<>();

    // Recurse (since you tagged the question with recursion ;)
    for (List<String> subresult : substrings(input.substring(1))) {

        // Case: Don't split
        List<String> l2 = new ArrayList<>(subresult);
        l2.set(0, input.charAt(0) + l2.get(0));

        // Case: Split
        List<String> l = new ArrayList<>(subresult);
        l.add(0, input.substring(0, 1));

    return result;


[j, ava]
[ja, va]
[j, a, va]
[jav, a]
[j, av, a]
[ja, v, a]
[j, a, v, a]
