
2022-01-24 00:00:00 loops iteration java

下面是一个代码,用于确定一个数字数组是否可以分成两个数组,每个数组包含相同的数字总和.例如:{1, 3 ,2, 6} 可分为 {6} 和 {1,2,3},因此返回 true而{1,5,7}不能一分为二,平衡数组,因此返回false

Below is a code to determine whether or not can an array of numbers can be divided into two arrays, with each array holding the same sum of numbers. for example: {1, 3 ,2, 6} can be divided into {6} and {1,2,3}, therefore return true while {1,5,7} can't be divided into two, balanced array, therefore return false

public boolean canBalance(int[] nums) {
    for (int i = 0; i < nums.length; i++) { 
       int sum = 0;
       for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) sum += nums[j];
       for (int j = i; j < nums.length; j++) sum -= nums[j];
       if (sum == 0) return true;    
    return false;


it's an accepted answer for an exercise in codingbat, I don't understand this piece in particular:

for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) sum += nums[j];
for (int j = i; j < nums.length; j++) sum -= nums[j];

不进行迭代通常以 { 开始并以 } 结束?如果 sum == 0 意味着它可以平衡怎么办?我试过在一张纸上记下它,数组为 {1,3,2,6},总和为 26,返回 false,很明显 {1,3,2,6} 应该返回 true.

doesn't for iteration usually starts with { and ends with } ? and how come if sum == 0 means it can be balanced? I have tried noting it down on piece of paper with array of {1,3,2,6} and had sum of 26, which returns false, where it's obvious that {1,3,2,6} should return true.


I think I misread the code, I don't know which, though. Or maybe the algorithm is false, but it was accepted in codingbat



The two for-loops are for weighing the two parts of the array, to find the array balancing point of an array.


你有一个空的天平,在外部 for 循环的第一次迭代中,i 为零.

You have a empty balance scale, in the first iteration of the outer for loop, i is zero.

第一个for循环,这里j为0,i为0 i j 为假,所以它不会进入第一个 for 循环,而是进入第二个 for 循环并从 sum 中减去所有数字.

It comes to first for loop, here j is 0 and i is 0 i < j is false, so it doesn't enter the first for-loop and it goes into the second for-loop and subtracts all the numbers from sum.

从外部 for 循环的第二次迭代开始,它开始进入第一个 for 循环并开始将数组的元素一一添加到总和中.

From second iteration onwards of the outer for-loop, it starts entering the first for-loop and starts adding the elements of the array one-by-one to the sum.


In pictures, it is like starting with an empty balance scale, adding all the elements into the second scale, and moving one by one element to the first scale, like this:

最后,如果和为零,则数组可以平衡,所以返回true.如果总和不为 0,则为不平衡.

In the end, if the sum is zero, then the array can be balanced, so return true. If the sum isn't 0, it's unbalanced.


The values in the are balanced by the loops like this:

循环 2 ->i(0) j(0) 减1,和为-1
循环 2 ->i(0) j(1) 减 3,和为 -4
循环 2 ->i(0) j(2) 减2,和为-6
循环 2 ->i(0) j(3) 减 6,和为 -12

Iteration of outer for loop when i is 0
Loop 2 -> i(0) j(0) Subtract 1, sum is -1
Loop 2 -> i(0) j(1) Subtract 3, sum is -4
Loop 2 -> i(0) j(2) Subtract 2, sum is -6
Loop 2 -> i(0) j(3) Subtract 6, sum is -12

循环 1 ->i(1) j(0) 加1,和为1
循环 2 ->i(1) j(1) 减3,和为-2
循环 2 ->i(1) j(2) 减2,和为-4
循环 2 ->i(1) j(3) 减 6,和为 -10

Iteration of outer for loop when i is 1
Loop 1 -> i(1) j(0) Add 1, sum is 1
Loop 2 -> i(1) j(1) Subtract 3, sum is -2
Loop 2 -> i(1) j(2) Subtract 2, sum is -4
Loop 2 -> i(1) j(3) Subtract 6, sum is -10

循环 1 ->i(2) j(0) 加1,和为1
循环 1 ->i(2) j(1) 加3,和为4
循环 2 ->i(2) j(2) 减2,和为2
循环 2 ->i(2) j(3) 减 6,和为 -4

Iteration of outer for loop when i is 2
Loop 1 -> i(2) j(0) Add 1, sum is 1
Loop 1 -> i(2) j(1) Add 3, sum is 4
Loop 2 -> i(2) j(2) Subtract 2, sum is 2
Loop 2 -> i(2) j(3) Subtract 6, sum is -4

循环 1 ->i(3) j(0) 加1,和为1
循环 1 ->i(3) j(1) 加3,和为4
循环 1 ->i(3) j(2) 加2,和为6
循环 2 ->i(3) j(3) 减 6,和为 0

Iteration of outer for loop when i is 3
Loop 1 -> i(3) j(0) Add 1, sum is 1
Loop 1 -> i(3) j(1) Add 3, sum is 4
Loop 1 -> i(3) j(2) Add 2, sum is 6
Loop 2 -> i(3) j(3) Subtract 6, sum is 0


public class Test {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int[] test = { 1, 3, 2, 6 };
Final result is "+canBalance(test));

    public static boolean canBalance(int[] nums) {
        for (int i = 0; i < nums.length; i++) {
Iteration of outer for loop when i is " + i);
            int sum = 0;
            for (int j = 0; j < i; j++){
                sum += nums[j];
                System.out.println("Loop 1 -> i(" +i + ") j("+j + ") Add "+nums[j] + ", sum is "+sum+"       ");
            for (int j = i; j < nums.length; j++){
                sum -= nums[j];
                System.out.println("Loop 2 -> i(" +i + ") j("+j + ") Subtract "+nums[j] + ", sum is "+sum+"       ");
            if (sum == 0)
                return true;
        return false;


public class Test {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int[] original = { 10, 2, 24, 32 };

    private static boolean canDivideArray(int[] originalArray) {
        int total = 0;

        for (int number : originalArray) {
            total += number;

        // check if sum == 2x for any value of x
        if (total % 2 != 0) {
            return false;
        } else {
            // sum of each half array should be x
            total /= 2;
        return isTotal(originalArray, originalArray.length, total);

    private static boolean isTotal(int array[], int n, int total) {
        // successful termination condition
        if (total == 0) {
            return true;
        // unsuccessful termination when elements have finished but total is not reached
        if (n == 0 && total != 0){
            return false;

        // When last element is greater than total
        if (array[n - 1] > total)
            return isTotal(array, n - 1, total);

        //check if total can be obtained excluding the last element or including the last element 
        return isTotal(array, n - 1, total - array[n - 1]) || isTotal(array, n - 1, total); 

