如何在 javafx 中调整 imageview 图像的大小?

2022-01-24 00:00:00 resize image java javafx imageview

我需要在 JavaFX 中将图像调整为特定尺寸,例如 100 x 100 像素.

I need to resize an image to specific dimensions, 100 by 100 pixels for example, in JavaFX.

我怎样才能做到这一点?Image 或 ImageView 类可以用于此目的吗?

How can I achieve that? Could the Image or the ImageView class be used for this purpose?


是的,使用 ImageView.打个电话就行了

Yes, using an ImageView. Just call

ImageView imageView = new ImageView("...");

默认情况下,它不会保留 width:height 比率:您可以使用

By default, it will not preserve the width:height ratio: you can make it do so with


或者,您可以在加载时直接调整 图像 的大小:

Alternately you can resize the Image directly on loading:

Image image = new Image("my/res/flower.png", 100, 100, false, false);


Resizing the image on loading is useful for things like thumbnails of larger images as the memory required is lower than storing the larger image data representation in memory.
