JavaMail API、Gmail-Auth 和 setFrom

2022-01-23 00:00:00 email gmail java jakarta-mail sender


for this app i'm following this example:


I can send emails, it looks good.....but i want to modify the sender email using this:

MimeMessage msg = new MimeMessage(mailSession);
msg.setFrom(new InternetAddress("")); 是虚拟电子邮件,不是我的 :) is dummy E-Mail, is not mine :)

当我使用 setFrom 时,我会收到来自这封电子邮件的电子邮件,我用它来进行身份验证.身份验证是禁用 setFrom 方法的原因吗?

When t use setFrom, i recive the email from this email, which i use to authenticate. Is the authentication the reason, which disable the setFrom method?


I need to change the "from" email, because i want, that the recipient send me an replay to another email adress.


Google 的 SMTP 服务器阻止使用来自已验证帐户的地址以外的发件人地址.这是一种防止所谓的欺骗"的安全措施.也许您可以尝试将回复设置为另一个值,看看 Google 是否允许这样做.

Google's SMTP server is preventing using a from address other than the one belonging to the account that has been authenticated. This is a security measure to prevent what is known as "spoofing". Perhaps you can try setting the reply-to to another value and see if Google will allow that.
