.NET 图形数据库

2022-01-23 00:00:00 c# .net java graph-databases mono

我一直在设计一个基于 .NET/Mono 框架的应用程序,它应该大量使用图中最短路径理论,我想使用原生解决方案遍历图的节点,而不是实施难以维护且会严重影响性能的替代解决方案.

I've been designing an application, based on .NET/Mono framework, which should make an heavy use of the shortest-path in a graph theories and I would like to use a native solution to traverse the nodes of the graph, instead of implementing surrogate solutions which would be hardly maintainable and would massively affect performances.


I've found an application which would be perfect for my scope: neo4j.

不幸的是,这个应用程序纯粹是用 Java 代码编写的,由于两种架构之间的巨大差异,它不能移植到 .NET.

Unfortunately, this application is purely written in Java code and it's not portable to .NET, because of the massive differences between the two architectures.

有没有人知道是否有任何 Neo4j 端口或 .NET 的类似解决方案?

Is anyone out there knows if is it there any port of neo4j or a similar solution for .NET?


微软也在开发一个 - 三位一体

Microsoft is also working on one - Trinity

编辑 1:
我最近才遇到这个 repository.我还没有查看代码或使用它,但它有 .NET 接口:

Edit 1:
I just recently came across this repository. I haven't looked at the code or used it yet, but it has .NET interfaces for:

  1. 蓝图
  2. 雷克斯特
  3. 管道

这些实用程序可用于连接多个图形数据库,包括 neo4j 和 OrientDB.如需更多信息,请查看 TinkerPop.

These utilities can be used to connect with multiple Graph Databases including neo4j and OrientDB. For more information also look at TinkerPop.
