
2022-01-23 00:00:00 variables constants java final

请帮助我理解 Java 中常量变量和 final 变量之间的区别.我有点困惑.

Please help me understand the difference between constant variables and final variables in Java. I am a bit confused with it.



Constant is the concept, the property of the variable.

final 是声明常量变量的java关键字.

final is the java keyword to declare a constant variable.

正如其他人指出的那样,从语义/语言的角度来看,表达式 constant variable 是矛盾的,因此,我们可以争论它的正确性.

As other people pointed out, from a semantic/linguistic point of view the expression constant variable is an oxymoron and, as such, we could argue about its correctness.


Quoting the specification, anyway, we can read

原始类型的变量 [...] 是 final 并使用编译时常量表达式(第 15.28 节)进行初始化,称为常量变量.

A variable of primitive type [...], that is final and initialized with a compile-time constant expression (§15.28), is called a constant variable.


I suppose, hence, that we can accept (and consider correct) this binomial for our purpose.
