从 java 中的 hotmail gmail yahoo 获取联系人列表?

2022-01-23 00:00:00 gmail hotmail yahoo contacts java

大多数社交网络都是这样做的.当您注册其中之一时,例如 twitter,它会说您为什么不邀请来自 hotmail 或 yahoo 或 gmail 的朋友.并期望我们提供我们的凭据并发送这些邮件.我想在 java 中实现相同的功能.

most of social networks does this. when you register one of them for example twitter it says why dont you invite your friends from hotmail or yahoo or gmail. and expect us to give our credentials and send those mails. I want to implement same feature in java.

我试过 http://code.google.com/p/contactlistimporter 但它有hotmal 的问题.

I tried http://code.google.com/p/contactlistimporter but it has a problem with hotmal.


can you suggest me nice another library ?


每个电子邮件提供商都有自己的 API:

Each of these email providers has its own API:

  • GMail:Google 通讯录数据 API - Google 通讯录 API 3.0 版
  • 雅虎!邮件:雅虎!地址簿 API - 开发者指南
  • Hotmail:Windows Live 联系人 API 测试版 - API 参考
  • GMail: Google Contacts Data API - Google Contacts API version 3.0
  • Yahoo! Mail: Yahoo! Address Book API - Developer's Guide
  • Hotmail: Windows Live Contacts API Beta - API Reference

您通常可以使用 Java 示例来开始您的工作.我一直在使用 Google Data API 成功下载了我的 GMail 联系人和 Google Docs&Spreadsheets.

There are usually Java samples that you can use to start your work. I've been using Google Data API to successfully download my GMail contacts and Google Docs&Spreadsheets.

您所要求的似乎有商业 Java 库.其中一些是:

There seem to be commercial Java libraries for what you're asking for. Some of them are:

  • 联系进口商来自马来西亚Octazen 总共支持 30 多个网络邮件(价格为 234 美元),而您正在寻找的版本将花费 $88US.
  • 另一个来自印度 Contacts Importer.improsys.com" rel="nofollow noreferrer">Improsys 支持较少的networks"和 Java 版本成本 $550.
  • Contacts Importer from Malasian Octazen that supports 30+ web mails in total (with a price tag of $234US) whereas the version you're looking for would cost $88US.
  • another Contacts Importer from Indian Improsys that supports less "networks" and Java version costs $550.

我不知道有任何开源 Java 库提供对所有这三个电子邮件提供商的一般访问权限.PHP 有一个名为 Open Inviter 的 PHP,它支持 10+ 网络(如果你提到的三大巨头都可以这样考虑的话).

I'm not aware of any open-source Java libraries offering a general access to all of these three email providers. There's one for PHP called Open Inviter which supports 10+ networks (if the big three you mentioned could be considered as such at all).

另外,Plaxo 已经启动了一项名为 便携式联系人(和 规范草案看起来有希望),但这还处于非常早期的阶段.无论如何,我不会使用便携式联系人来解决您的问题,而且这在接下来的 6 个月内也不会发生.这是他们在备份人们的通讯录、围绕通讯录创建更自然的网络以及总体上在来自 Google、Facebook 和 MySpace 的激烈竞争中提升数据可移植性方面所做的事情.

Also, Plaxo has kicked off an effort called Portable Contacts (and draft specification looks promising) but this is at a very early stage. Anyway, I wouldn't Portable Contacts to solve your problem and that won't happen in the next 6+ months anyway. It's something they're doing to advance their business in backing up peoples' address books, creating a more natural network around it and advancing data portability in general with such a strong competition from Google, Facebook and MySpace.


Other than that, I don't think there's anything feasible at the time of this writing. Otherwise I would find it. ;-)


