黄瓜 jvm 的全局 BeforeAll Hook?
cucumber 的 ruby 版本支持全局的 before 钩子.在任何和所有场景运行之前,放置在 features/support 目录中的 *.rb 文件显然只被调用一次.请参阅 https://github.com/cucumber/cucumber/wiki/Hooks#global-挂钩
The ruby version of cucumber supports a global before hook. An *.rb file placed in the features/support directory gets apparently called only once, before any and all scenarios run. See https://github.com/cucumber/cucumber/wiki/Hooks#global-hooks
That seems to be a great way to make sure a database (used in read-only during tests) gets populated (and thus is in a known state) before any tests run.
Java 版本的黄瓜有类似的功能吗?
Is there a similar feature available for the Java version of cucumber?
请点击此链接.这是@BeforeAll 和@AfterAll 的解决方法
Please follow this link. this a workaround for @BeforeAll and @AfterAll