cucumber.runtime.CucumberException 的错误是什么:Arity mismatch: Step Definition in selenium with Java


I have wrritten a feature file to test the create elements button. But it generates an error message of

cucumber.runtime.CucumberException: Arity mismatch: Step Definition. 


I dont know why its happening since I am new to automation testing.


@When("^create elements$")
public void create_elements_for_attributes(WebElement elementToClick) throws Throwable {


cucumber.runtime.CucumberException: Arity mismatch: Step Definition 'mCollector.features.StepDefinitions_mCollector.create_elements_for_attributes(WebElement) in file:/C:/Users/Admin/workspace/MStudio%20-%20eBilling/bin/' with pattern [^create elements$] is declared with 1 parameters. However, the gherkin step has 0 arguments [].


在您的 create_elements_for_attributes 方法中,您需要一个 WebElement 类型的参数,但您的正则表达式没有捕获任何论据.它应该看起来像这样:

In your create_elements_for_attributes method you are expecting one argument of type WebElement but your regex does not capture any arguments. It should look something like that instead:

@When("^create elements "([^"]*)"$")


And then in your feature file:

When create elements "element"

但这也行不通,因为您无法从 Cucumber 功能文件中传递 WebeElement 对象.您应该只使用原始值和数据表进行操作.其他类型(如 WebeElement) 应在胶水代码本身内部创建.

But that won't work either because you can't pass a WebeElement object from your Cucumber feature file. You should only operate with primitive values and DataTables. Other types (like WebeElement) should be created internally in the glue code itself.
