如何在黄瓜 java 中获取场景名称?

2022-01-22 00:00:00 cucumber java cucumber-jvm

我想获取场景名称以获取有意义的日志并在运行时在 java 中生成自定义报告.Scenario 类只有 getStatus() 和 getSourceTagNames() 方法.我找不到获取场景名称的方法.

I would like to get name of scenario to have meaningful logs and to generate custom report at run-time in java. Scenario class have only has getStatus() and getSourceTagNames() methods. I don't find a way to get scenario name.


Can someone help me to get this resolved ?



From version 1.6, in addition to, getStatus() and getSourceTagNames(), there is another method, getName() that returns the scenario's description. For example, for a scenario as follows:

Scenario: verify number of topics shown in the UI

scenario.getName() 返回 验证 UI 中显示的主题数量"


I initialize scenario in @Before as follows:

public void before(Scenario scenario) {
    this.scenario = scenario;

