Selenium Java Webdriver:将字符串添加到 Xpath

2022-01-22 00:00:00 selenium xpath cucumber java

我有以下 Java 片段,我想在其中添加一个字符串 inside 语句:

I have the folllowing piece of Java in which I want to add a String inside a statement:

     @and ("^I want to change fieldnumber "([^"]*)" , remove whats inside and add the following text: "([^"]*)"$")

    public void testscenario12345(String number,  String text) throws Throwable {
    driver.findElement(By.xpath("//*[contains(@name,'template:view:<INSERT NUMBER STRING HERE>:item:view:1:item:')]")).clear();
    driver.findElement(By.xpath("//*[contains(@name,'template:view:<INSERT NUMBER STRING HERE>:item:view:1:item:')]")).sendKeys(text);

如何在上面的代码中添加数字字符串?澄清一下,如果我在黄瓜中插入4",我希望驱动程序通过 Xpath 找到元素,其中@name 包含 template:view:4:item:view:1:item:

How can I add the number string in the above piece of code? To clarify, If I insert "4" in cucumber, I want the driver to find the element by Xpath, where the @name contains template:view:4:item:view:1:item:



driver.findElement(By.xpath("//*[contains(@name,"template:view:" + number+ ":item:view:1:item:")]")).clear();

您可能需要将数字设为 const,这意味着:

And you probably need the number to be const, that means:

public void testscenario12345(final String number,  String text) throws Throwable {
