
2022-01-22 00:00:00 cucumber java karate


I have a need to extract a field parsed from a "complex" response header and use that value later in the test.


It seems that the "header" keyword in Karate is set up for setting request headers, not parsing response headers.

有没有办法添加自定义步骤定义来维护对场景变量存储的访问?似乎变量存储在 StepDefs 类中是私有的,似乎没有办法轻松扩展它.

Is there a way to add a custom step definition maintaining access to the scenario variable stores? It appears the variable stores are private in the StepDefs class, and there doesn't seem to be a way to extend it easily.


您可以访问响应标头.请查看 responseHeaders 的文档.

You can get access to the response headers. Please look at the documentation for responseHeaders.

也就是说,match header 捷径很可能就是您的身份正在寻找.

That said, the match header short-cut is most likely what you are looking for.


Karate's philosophy is that you never need to write custom step-definitions.

edit:一些示例,听起来您只需要对 Location 标头进行一些字符串操作吗?您可以自由地将 JS 代码混合到空手道表达式中.

edit: some examples, sounds like you just need to do some string manipulation of the Location header ? You can freely mix JS code into Karate expressions.

* def location = responseHeaders['Location'][0]
# assume location = 'foo?bar=baz'
* def bar = location.substring(location.indexOf('bar=') + 4)
